"... drifting from regular person to moviemaker,..." A "regular person" mostly HOPES it's going to happen. When an awakening occurs, for whatever reason, and now you KNOW you're a Moviemaker, you also KNOW: It WILL happen. It's impossible to overstate the essential, indispensable, irreplaceable nature of that KNOWING. (I believe you can replace the word "moviemaker" with WHATEVER IT IS for you, uniquely, personally, that you want to BE. ... I just get a little annoyed when I think how late in life it is that I've awakened to this. :-) Time's a'wastin'.)

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Thanks, Steve, for making sense of this “belief” system—basically asking the universe for what is needed, but not actually KNOWING that’s what is going on! When we “artist-types,” I’ll call us, are in that trance of doing work (painting, drawing, sculpture, moviemaking, writing, basket-weaving, flower-arranging, etc.) we are unaware that we could ever NOT attain those things that we need (supplies, ideas) to get our jobs done. THAT’S the mystery. That’s what you remind me about in your comments.

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Yes!! That's it! ". . . we are unaware that we could ever NOT attain those things that we need. . . ."

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