REAL LIFE-stories from Feature Workshops, with actors/writers Santa Fe; TRAILER:
This array of real-life stories were shot during the production of WHITE STORK IS COMING, and you can revisit them again in this fiction mix:
REAL LIFE shows just that, 14 stories told by people of various ages, who have the courage to impart vital and personal information you rarely hear in the so-called ”Information Age.” For over 40 years I've been mining the real-life aspects of filmmaking, trying to offer the special information that only 'normal' people can share.
In WHITE STORK IS COMING you've got these SAME real people telling it like it is, cut between improv fiction scenes that are also favoring non-actors delivering their real-life observations around a central theme. They cover most the pertinent issues of our time; love and loss, happiness and heartbreak, ironies of all sorts:
In 2012, White Stork Enterprises insures that baby-hungry couples will bear 'perfect' offspring for a mere $100,000. By offering successful embryo fertilization through digital chip technology, ‘Stork’ advertises that they can remove potential disease and negative personality traits from the embroyo's genetic code for $5000 per item. Too good to be true? A con game? Well, a chip-like microfluidic device does exist (developed in Tokyo) that increases the probability of successful in-vitro fertilization from 29% (eggs in a petri dish…), up to 88%. And genetic engineers are close to identifying the codes for various diseases. But after hearing the couples (and doctor's) real-life stories, it's sad to think that many delightful human peculiarities might disappear, when perfect people walk the earth.
WHITE STORK IS COMING (77 min, ©2010), a Film by Zola Azevedo, Cynthia DuVal, Stephen Rubin, Mike Saliba, and Rick Schmidt.
Starring Cynthia Duval, Roberto Codato, Mike Saliba, Stephen Rubin, Amy Johnson, Will Arute, Angela Damron, Zola Azevedo, Aron Kalaii, Jennifer Miller, Carrie Ronneau, and Lisa Friedland. Cinematography by John Lore. Camera by John Lore & Rick Schmidt. Music by Will Arute, Roy 2000, Amy Johnson. Edited by Rick Schmidt and Cynthia DuVal. Camera/Editing equipment courtesy of Rock Hollow Studios. "Billion Babies" Animation by Adam Glucksman, with music by Yhali Ilan and Amber Rose Butler. Produced by Stephen Rubin (Julesworks), and Rick Schmidt. Executive Producer Rick Schmidt.
“Real Life Stories” are so apt for the “real life” actors and improv style that make your movies so REAL. The perfect fit!