REAL LIFE (55 min, ©2012)– A collaborative Santa Fe, NM feature documentary by Zola Azevedo, Cynthia Duval, Stephen Rubin, Mike Saliba, & Rick Schmidt. (Stories from feature, WHITE STORK IS COMING).

NOTE: These real-life stories were shot as part of co=producer Stephen ‘Jules’ Rubin and my third Santa Fe feature, WHITE STORK IS COMING. While I was editing the longer STORK movie I decided to just release the stories you’ll see here, as a short doc. Enjoy…and the full feature, WHITE STORK, is coming up next on Substack!)


REAL LIFE shows just that, 14 stories told by people of various ages, who have the courage to impart vital and personal information you rarely hear in the so-called ”Information Age.” They cover most the pertinent issues of our time; love and loss, happiness and heartbreak, ironies of all sorts. If you need to refresh your psyche, hope to better understand your stay on the planet, then this is the movie for you. It’s as refreshing as a summer walk on a leaf-blown mountain top.

Starring (In Order of Appearance), Amy Johnson, Roberto Codato, Will Arute, Angela Damron, Aron Kalaii, Jennifer Miller, Zola Azevedo, Mike Saliba, Lisa Friedland, Raji, Stephen Rubin, Cynthia Duval, Carrie Ronneau, And Alejandro Delgado. Cinematography by John Lore. Camera by John Lore & Rick Schmidt. Music by Will Arute. Camera & Editing Equipment courtesy of Rock Hollow Studios. Produced by Stephen "Jules" Rubin and Rick Schmidt.



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