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BEAR DANCE (72 min., ©2004) with Willie Boy Walker (shot with Sony TRV-10 camera, at Figueira da Foz Intl Film Festival, Portugal).

Click to see FULL MOVIE:

(Real-life story from BEAR DANCE).



(BEAR DANCE was selected among my 5 films. MY LIST also includes links to CHETZEMOKA’S CURSE (Dogme #10), AMERICAN ORPHEUS, PROSPECTS, and MORGAN’S CAKE. CLICK (and scroll down) HERE).

January 04, 2024

By Sujewa Ekanayake

I was having an argument with the guy behind the counter at one of my local delis about wether it was possible and or useful to create a new indie film canon. Creating a list of films that are good examples of the unique art form that indie/non-Hollywood film has become over the past 30 (Dogme 95 starting around 1995) to 70 (Breathless screening at Cannes in 1960) or so years. The guy behind the counter at the deli did not think it was a good idea, but he did offer me free coffee in exchange for placing some of his favorite sci-fi horror movies on the list - if I made the list. Many of those movies involve zombie cheerleaders from outer space. I decided to pay for the coffee.

The films on this list are real indie/independent, largely non-Hollywood films. Made and often distributed without the financial backing or creative control of established, large, mainstream film studios or production companies and or distribution companies in the United States. The titles here are some of the best examples of indie films (more on that below). Watch these 50 films, get to know these filmmakers, and you will have a great understanding of modern independent/non-Hollywood film as an art form.  Most of these films are arthouse dramas and or comedies. There is a lot of activity these days with other types of indie films also - such as horror films. Writers/bloggers who know about those films should make lists like this one so that more people can discover those movies. Also writers/film fans from under-represented communities and from various countries worldwide should create lists of their highly recommended movies - that will open new worlds to audiences.

A lot of the films selected for this list were made on digital video. I feel that digital video is the best production medium for independent films, as the lower cost of using digital video makes that medium more accessible to filmmakers. I also prefer the look of digital video projects - with some artificial film grain added when appropriate - over works made using old timey motion picture film.

Most filmmakers selected for this list have made 20 or more indie/non-Hollywood fiction features. Most - except 2 - are fiction feature filmmakers (Mekas and Everson are not). Varda has made both fiction and documentary films. The films and filmmakers were selected because I like the specific films listed and or the filmmakers/their other works, and the films and filmmakers are generally well regarded by critics, audiences, and film institutions such as arthouse theaters and film festivals.

The filmmakers were also selected for being prolific and skilled artists whose work new audiences may want to explore. The films are creative, rewarding, and entertaining (for the most part - not sure about Jeanne Dielman). And these filmmakers are potential sources of inspiration for future indie filmmakers. The innovative indie filmmaking work of Mekas and Everson - even though their works are mostly documentaries - can serve as powerful starting points for new indie fiction filmmakers.

Most, if not all, films on this list can be found on VOD - through Amazon Prime, Criterion Channel, Mubi, Vimeo VOD, other outlets, and through indie distributors such as Cinema Guild and Kino Lorber. Many of these films also screen at arthouse theaters from time to time. Watch them at theaters whenever possible - for the full, cinematic, immersive experience with larger than life images and sounds.  I tried to include 1 VOD link for each film - there may be many other viewing options available on the internet, do a search. Titles are linked to Letterboxd pages for each film, with a brief description or a part of the description from Letterboxd. Follow the links, explore the movies!

For each filmmaker there is a link to: a Letterboxd page for the filmmaker (when available), a Wikipedia page, and or other pages that have general information. For some filmmakers and films additional links - to interviews, articles - have been added so that readers will have a number of items available to learn about the films. Take a look - be amazed and inspired! Indie film is both the past and the future of high quality filmed art/entertainment.

Links are current and active as of January 4, 2024. That may not be the case in the future because we are looking at the indie film world - where great art is often hidden.

Death - the end title of all end titles - comes for most of us eventually, so I hear. Until then we have films. And some of those films should be amazing real indie/non-Hollywood films. Our ancient ancestors hunting giant bison, fighting off saber tooth tigers, and creating shadow plays of their great exploits on cave walls probably would have wanted it that way. Stories from this infinite and eternal universe look great on digital video, when told by non-Hollywood filmmakers. Hollywood films are limited - by budgets, by box office demands, by famous, attractive young actors, and by traditions as to what kind of stories they can tell and how they can tell those stories. Indie films have a lot more freedom. They are a gateway to more interesting worlds. They often have more jazz, more disco, more poetry, and are sometimes like the man who practiced that one kick 10,000 times in that one Bruce Lee quote.


Copyright 2024 Sujewa Ekanayake


(Real-life story from BEAR DANCE).



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